Rydeen To Hold Training At KnowledgeFest Las Vegas

January 14, 2025

TORRANCE, CA–Rydeen Mobile Electronics is proud to announce it will exhibit at KnowledgeFest in Las Vegas and will conduct a training session on the first day of the show.

Rydeen leaders will present a session on how to boost profits with Rydeen ADAS advanced safety products and TEZspex Tesla accessories.

The Rydeen training will be held Friday, January 31 at 1:45 pm in room Versailles 2 of the Paris Hotel.

Additionally, dealers may visit us at booth #1107 on the show floor during KnowledgeFest.

KnowledgeFest Las Vegas will be held January 31 to February 2.  To register click here.

To learn more about Rydeen, visit https://rydeenmobile.com/