There has been quite a commotion in the working world with the explosion of AI tools and software. It’s estimated that just last month alone, over 1000+ new tools were launched on the web and various smart devices. They cover a variety of topics, including image manipulation, language processing, machine learning, content creation and more.
With so many tools being created developed, it opens up many conversations as to what impact this will have on the job market and if people in all professions need to start wondering if they are going to be replaced.
The answer? It’s too soon to tell. While there is probably going to be some basic tasks that become more automated, it’s probably more realistic to think that the job market will probably shift to support AI without putting a lot of people out of work. With all of this new technology, we are likely to see a rise in new professions that didn’t and couldn’t exist a decade ago.
The Need for Data Science and AI Specialists
New technology means new data and the need for people who understand what that data does. AI programs are able to scan and process enormous amounts of data, but as a model that is based on machine learning, it doesn’t always know what to do with all of the data. It’s up to data scientists and data analysts to tell the AI models what is important, what isn’t, and what to do with the data moving forward. In this way, the program models can learn and improve what they do, but regular input from specialists guarantees that a whole new job sector will be available for those interested in data science and similar operations.
The key with all AI models is to remember that they aren’t true Artificial Intelligence. They don’t know what they don’t know, and can only process information that is directly fed to them or what they are given access to. While we refine these machine learning programs they will surely advance, but for the foreseeable future we will be working with the programs and steering them, instead of being replaced by them in large numbers.

AI Models and the Ethical Implementations of Machine Learning for the Auto Industry
With the growing adoption of self-driving cars, it will become necessary for there to be guidelines ensuring the ethical use of AI models and how they collect, use, and distribute the data that they are fed and observe. These models will have the ability to make driving conditions much safer, but they have to be based on existing guidelines, which are based on human law.
AI (at this moment) is not capable of making moral or ethical decisions on its own. And on top of that, how do you program a machine to prioritize which thing is more important than the other? Are the drivers more important, or are the pedestrians? Can you program the machine to understand that sometimes it “depends on the situation”? These AI models will need to be designed to account for traffic laws, human safety, and moral dilemmas that may be unavoidable. This makes it imperative that there be transparency and accountability now, while we are still in the early stages of the technology. Manufacturers must be open about the realistic capabilities of their software, instead of touting it to be more than it is.
This will also bring in a flurry of new privacy laws that will need to ensure that individual privacy can not be used in any other way, otherwise we risk the AI programs developing biases in its decision making processes.
This doesn’t even touch on the workforce that will be needed to deal with the long-term effects on urban planning, technological network implementation, and overall societal well-being in this transportation landscape.
Embracing Technology in the Future of Automobiles
There’s no doubt that even if having AI integrated fully into vehicles is a ways off, we still have a number of advancements being made every day. Vehicles are more “aware” than ever with sensors, cameras, recording devices, and small amounts of machine learning to help drivers.
As we move towards the future, the technology we use now will only get better, smarter, and more optimized. Even now, there are a number of devices and vehicles that can utilize low energy consumption to keep cameras monitoring your vehicle 24/7. This is very common in electric vehicles, like Tesla, but even here at Rydeen our Tombo 360X can record in 360 degrees and stay alert at all times with motion sensors, without killing your car or truck battery.
When you have these things combined with steering drift correction, always on blind spot sensors, and camera angles you can access from your dashboard or mirror, the driving experience becomes much safer for you and everyone around you.